January 10, 2012 Governor's Budget

Governor’s 2012-13 Budget Released

TO: SDSU Faculty and Staff
FROM: President Elliot Hirshman
Provost Nancy Marlin

Vice Presidents Sally Roush, Mary Ruth Carleton and James Kitchen

Dear Colleagues,

Last week, Governor Jerry Brown presented his budget for 2012-13. The proposed budget maintains higher education at current-year levels. These allocations are contingent on voter approval of several revenue measures on the November ballot.

The release of the governor’s budget signals the start of the state budget process. It will be many months before a final state budget is approved. Even then, there will be considerable uncertainty until the outcome of the ballot measures.

Given this uncertainty, SDSU will continue to take a conservative approach to its budgeting. This conservative approach has served us well in the past, and in concert with a focus on revenue enhancement, it will be a guiding principle of our planning in the coming year.

As the governor’s budget proposal continues to be refined, the President's Budget Advisory Committee will convene to review data and to provide a recommended course of action.

We want to acknowledge the dedicated efforts and support of our faculty, staff, students, alumni and community partners as we have faced state budget reductions totaling $95 million since 2007-08.

Thanks to these efforts, SDSU continues to accomplish its core mission of teaching, research and service. In this context, we remain committed to working with our many supporters to secure additional resources for our core mission.

We will continue to share updated information as it becomes available. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit SDSU Budget Central and stay informed.